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  • dddurbfive

dream 30 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in my kitchen, pizza in oven, one slice, oven is turned all the way up, one thousand

degrees, forgot about pizza, remembered, take out pizza, not burned, go into side room,

lying on couch, eating pizza with right eye closed, a tall blond lady looks down at me then

goes outside,




.she's smoking a cigarette and jumping on a trampoline, says it's the most exercise

she's got in five weeks, i get up, table with stuff on it, i'd like some more pizza,

go back into kitchen,




.kneeling down, getting ready to cook two more slices of pizza, one round, one normal,

door is open, some guy comes down the stairs and sits in a chair behind me, i keep

focusing on the pizza, finally guy gets up, asks me for some coffee,




.i go over and get a small container of coffee grounds, give it to guy, guy drinks the

raw coffee grounds, guy is upset that i didn't pay him more attention, as he's

walking into his room with his girlfriend he says


.'... this suspicious bastard', i respond '... whatever', end dream


.a - me at oven in my room

b - side room c - eating pizza on fold out bed with right eye closed


d - tall lady smoking cigarette and jumping on trampoline

e - table f - cooking more pizza


g - guy comes into my room and sits down

h - i get coffee i - give guy coffee

j - guy goes into his room with his girlfriend




.image below: pizza and coffee dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: tall lady on trampoline detail





.image below: pizza and coffee detail







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