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  • dddurbfive

dream 29 may 2024





.dream: walking outside, lady in blue underwear in front of me, dome structure on 

the right, music, holding some little sticks, i put a stick on an electrical 

outlet on the right, 



.lady goes left, i go right, sit down outside a gym, tattooed people walk past, end scene, 



.my apartment, messy, pickles on ground, i eat them, upside down 

container of grape juice, need to clean up, end scene, 



.enter into an office space, two or three naked guys, i make the one guy get a 

boner with long-distance no-touching magic, do the same to another guy, end dream 



.a - walking outside                         b - dome structure 

c - lady in blue underwear 


d - put stick on electrical outlet 

e - lady goes off to left                     f - i go right 

g - sitting outside a gym 


h - tattooed people                            i - my apartment 

j - pickles on floor 

k - upside down container of grape juice, leaking 


l - messy                                            m - me in office area 

n - two guys with boners 




.image below: blue underwear




.image below: placing stick on electrical outlet




.image below: pickles and grape juice 







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