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  • dddurbfive

dream 25 jan 2024





.dream: in a car, a.h gets in, we're in the back, a.n is driving, a.h asks me about my weekend, 

i say i blogged and skateboarded, asks me about women, i say i'm in language school, 

left turn, end scene, 



.in my apartment, mother wants me to shave, i get a towel, go into bathroom, mother 

tells me not to shower, not to burn out my apartment, rinse my hair in from the 

sink, end dream 



.a - car                                     b - a.n driving 

c - me                                      d - a.h 


e - left turn                               f - apartment 

g - mother 


h - towel rack                           i - bathroom 

j - shower                                 k - sink 

l - rinsing hair 




.image below: rinsing hair from sink detail 







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