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  • dddurbfive

dream 25 feb 2024





.dream: in a room with two guys, a.h on my right, some other guy on the left, 

we're all in white military uniforms, i have white shoes on, other two guys have 

black shoes, i'm wearing some blue hat, doesn't go with the uniform, i take hat off, 



.guy on left says he's referred to as 'terror' or something, i leave area, lady at 

desk, go back to where i was, more people in here now, a lady and a guy walk 

past, my shirt or backpack catches on them as they go by, end scene, 



.lying on the floor, wrapped in a white towel, several other people in white towels, 

lady and daughter, they're much older than they appear, end scene, 



.outside on a swing set, swinging on some rings, guy on the right, end scene, 



.in a restaurant, sit at a booth, sitting, look to the left, people, maybe i took some 

lady's spot, lady approaches, i move to other booth, russian lady, green government notebook, 

russian book in notebook, i sit with lady, other books on the left, 



.a kitchen worker comes over, says it's almost ten, we should clean up, i give him the 

two other books on the left, looking at russian book with lady, says 'отобогь', something 

like that, lady starts to read her book, she has long blond hair, very light, very curly, 

her hair touches my right bicep, end dream 



.a - me in white shoes                     b - a.h 

c - some guy, terror                         d - lady at desk 


e - people                                         f - white towel party 

g - lady and her daughter                 h - rings on swing set 

i - restaurant                                     j - people at table 


k - lady comes back to her seat 

l - me and russian lady                     m - kitchen worker guy 

n - book on table 




.image below: russian book dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: black and white shoes detail 




.image below: swing set detail 




.image below: russian lady's hair and book detail 







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