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dream 24 sep 2023


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. enter into a living room, sit down on a couch, a large screen behind me is playing a movie,

i'm eating a red popsicle, some guys on my left are talking about a blowjob, two

women come up some stairs up ahead, i get up, these ladies are just coming back from

the grocery store and have some food to be put in the pantry, end scene,




.at a restaurant, watching some guy eat, plate of meat and vegetables in a gravy sauce,

guy finishes with all the vegetables, he doesn't want the meat, some other guy enters,

he bends over the table and eats some mushrooms, end scene,



.on a stairwell with the guy who ate the mushrooms, end scene,



.in a hotel ballroom, or just outside the ballroom, trying to do something on a computer,

take off my shirt, it's a knit sweater with orange and white horizontal stripes on the

front and all white on the back,




.i give up on the computer, pick up the sweater, go into the bathroom, trying to put on the

sweater, some lady comes to the door, looks at me, i speak gibberish to her, lady leaves,

i've denied her, put on the sweater, it's on backwards,




.lady comes back, she has chewing gum covering her left eye, i speak more gibberish to

her, denied again, lady leaves again, i finally manage to put on the sweater the right way,

leave bathroom, several women sitting at a long table,

end dream



.a - living room b - tv screen

c - me on couch d - people

e - two women f - door to pantry


g - table at restaurant h - guy eating

i - me on side bench j - guy who eats mushrooms

k - me and 'j' on stairs l - hotel ballroom


m - me on computer n - me in bathroom

o - lady whose eyes i look into p - women at table




.image below: meat on plate that guy won't eat detail





.image below: knit sweater that i was wearing detail






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