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dream 24 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in a building, standing by some concrete skate ramps, some guys skating off

on the right, i'd like to skate as well, go over to a brown box, ollie over it, then ollie

over it switch going in the opposite direction, one kid says 'switch', he's surprised i

can ollie switch so well,




.i then ollie over a tall orange chair, come at it switch in the opposite direction, chair

looks really tall now, i'm surprised i could even ollie over it, do not attempt a switch ollie

over orange chair, come at it goofy again, chair seems really high, i jump up and

do not ollie over it a second time,



.go to a door, exit building, dark outside, two guys in a hot tub on the right, a guy and

some women in a hot tub on the left, end scene,



.in a park, just finished doing something, go down by a tree, look up, tall apartment

building, guy on the end has a balcony, towels drying on balcony, i look at tree in

front of me, take off some moss, eat it,




.a guy is walking up above me, i need to get my stuff and leave, look down at my stuff,

brown paper bag is all ripped up, there's a clear plastic bag that i didn't even know i

had, end dream


.a - concrete skateboard ramps

b - me c - brown box

d - tall orange chair e - door to outside


f - two guys in hot tub g - guy and several women in hot tub

h - doing something in the park

i - me by tree, eating moss


j - tall building k - balcony with drying towels

l - guy walking by on path above me

m - my stuff




.image below: brown box and orange chair detail





.image below: towels drying on high balcony and moss on tree detail







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