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  • dddurbfive

dream 23 sep 2023


. .


. in a room, guy and dog, i start to pet the dog, bigger than i expected, guy leaves the

room, now the dog is huge, takes up almost all the space in the room, dog is grey,

end scene,




.in an office, side wall, writing in black ink on side wall,

some lady is being held behind the wall, another lady is looking for

her, finally she finds the lady and both are leaving, i look into a lady's eyes as she's leaving,

looking into her right eye, black flashes, look into her left eye, red dot,



.i kneel down on the ground, holding a watch, two people kneel down with me,

a lady comes over, i get up and touch her wrist, end scene,



.in a kitchen with brother, breakfast time, we have no milk for our cereal, i look above

the microwave, several small cheese quesadillas, we can eat these, i take the small

cheese quesadillas over to brother, end scene,




.riding in a vehicle with several other people, i'm riding in the back, just got back from

korea, driver stops the vehicle further up the hill than what i'm used to, kind of

ruined our entrance, talking to a guy, preacher something, 'they can come to us' i say,



.imagery of a sesame street penis character,

end dream



.a - me and grey dog b - guy leaving

c - office d - side wall with writing

e - lady being held behind wall f - lady whose eyes in look into


g - door h - me kneeling with watch

i - other people kneeling j - table

k - lady whose wrist i touch l - brother in kitchen


m - me n - quesadillas above micro

o - table p - counter

q - me in back of vehicle r - food stands


s - entrance to church t - two groups of people

u - sesame street penis character




.image below: large grey dog detail





.image below: office scene detail





.image below: watch detail





.image below: tray of small cheese quesadillas detail






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