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  • dddurbfive

dream 22 jan 2024





.dream: elevator something, end scene, 


.another elevator something, end scene, 


.in my apartment building, group of people gets in elevator, i briefly put my hand in 

door before it closes, elevator goes up, i go behind a wall, elevator comes down, 

end dream 



.a - elevator something                         b - another elevator something 

c - people go into elevator                    d - elevator goes up 


e - me                                                     f - wall 

g - elevator comes down 




.image below: hand in elevator door detail 






.dream: riding a bicycle down a hill, guy behind me on a bike, can't turn into 

skatepark, lady waves me off, kids skating there, ride bike down a bit further, empty 

lot, i turn around, guy turns around as well, now guy is in front of me on his 

bike, going back up the hill, end scene, 



.in a kitchen, a.d wants to cook, tells me to go to store and get oil and sugar, 

we have oil, i point it out to him, two packs of sugar with still a bit left, 

one empty pack of sugar, 



.kitchen is in disarray, a.d is trying to cook, lady comes in, kid asks about tomorrow, 

carrot salad, end dream 



.a - me on bike                         b - guy on bike 

c - skatepark                             d - lot 


e - kitchen                                 f - cooking oil 

g - stove                                     h - guy cooking 

i - lady                                        j - me 




.image below: cooking oil and sugar detail 







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