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  • dddurbfive

dream 16 jan 2024





.dream: in a hotel, two week stay, i go to pay, seems like some guy paid for me, 

walking with guy, i go outside, go to my old house, two guys are about to fight 

in there, go back to building i was in, flying in a room, two women below me, 

seems like the guy didn't pay for my hotel stay, 



.baby on a train, quarters on the floor, 'you can buy food with that' another baby says, 

end scene, 



.a persian guy takes a photo of me, i look at photo, looks like a bunch of R's, i 

look closer, red flag, alphabet letters to about S, white flag, letters from 

Q to Z, end dream 



.a - hotel interaction                             b - me and guy walking 

c - two guys in house about to fight 


d - me flying                                         e - two women 

f - baby and quarters                             g - me and persian guy 

h - alphabet photograph 




.image below: persian photo dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: hotel paper detail 




.image below: baby and quarters detail 




.image below: persian photo detail 







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