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dream 16 feb 2024





.dream: bat flying around in my room, computer diskette with green light, end scene, 



.guy, j.s, approaches a bus sign on the street, used to be colored, no more, puts a 

green dot on sign, enters post office, end scene, 



.on a submarine, large horror fan guy, i'm in a confined space, exit space, climbing up 

a ladder, stretch out some pipes and valves, up in hatch area, back down ladder, 

looking down, two judo matches occurring below, i go down below, 



.mattress, ripped red sleeping bag, friend's mother, d.h, on her hands and knees, i 

take her pants off, lower body of a purple haired poodle, rub her thighs, bees fly out 

from her butthole, good bees, friendly and hard working, 



.silver sticker on my right index finger, bees direct me over to wall, miniature 

bicycle on wall, i take it, leave silver sticker, trying to get back into the 

judo match area, some guy on my right shoulder, 



.work out area on the left, i move along, judo match area is roped off, no 

access for me at the moment, two people approach boundary from other side, 

i look at person on right with right eye, person on left with left eye, they 

need to learn to share my vision, 



.strong guy approaches, shadow box, light kick to his stomach, he 

walks away, i flip him, keeps walking, end scene, 


.number, three zero one one seven, end dream 



.a - flying bat                            b - computer diskette 

c - guy and bus sign                 d - post office 


e - horror fan guy                      f - confined space 

g - submarine pipes and valves 

h - ladder                                   i - hatches 


j - judo matches                         k - mattress with ripped red sleeping bag 

l - d.h and bees                           m - miniature bicycle on wall 

n - workout area                         o - guy and lady, vision sharing 

p - strong guy 




.image below: friendly bees on submarine dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: judo match detail 




.image below: mattress and bees detail 




.image below: vision sharing detail 







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