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dream 14 may 2024





.dream: gas station, gas goes into truck, then under the truck, into a container, 

then another pump and hose pumps gas into a boat, two zip ties pop 

off the motor, gas flow stops, some guy on my left, i operate a pump motor 

something a bit, not connected to anything, screw pump, end scene, 



.submarine office, people, i get up and tell them, 

'pay attention to the lecture, take notes, one day you could learn 

to blow a russian submarine or build a bigger bomb', 



.some guy picks up a phone on the wall, starts making vowel sounds, i 

move along, 


.styrofoam egg carton, i pick it up, i can take this with me, 


.leaving an office, newspaper article on desk, 



.person at a computer, the egg carton is folded between my legs, i 

rip off a piece from the upper right, show the person, 

'albertsons' person says, i move along, 



.i run down some stairs, probably shouldn't be doing this but i 

want to investigate this building, i'll probably be back here, carrying 

a ripped piece of paper, open a door, some guy comes running down 

after me, 



.'i'm gonna drop this paper' i tell him, guy doesn't want me 

to, i drop paper anyways, i move through the second door, 

vision whites out, end dream 



.a - gas station scene                     b - gas pump 

c - truck                                         d - boat on trailer 


e - gas going into boat 

f - me                                             g - guy 

h - pump motor thing 


i - submarine office                        j - vowel guy on phone 

k - i move along 

l - egg carton, white, styrofoam 


m - newspaper article on desk         n - person at computer 

o - stairs down 

p - i drop ripped piece of paper 


q - some guy comes down stairs 

r - two doors                                     s - door to outside 

t - more rooms and offices 




.image set below: gas station scene 




.image set below: office building scene 




.image below: vowel guy on phone 




.image below: egg carton and newspaper article 




.image below: running down stairs and dropping paper 







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