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  • dddurbfive

dream 11 feb 2024





.dream: brother has reset the processor on my computer, i tell him to change it 

back, brother takes my computer over to corner, working on it, gives it back to 

me, i take my computer into side room, notice that the screen hinge is looser, 

not my computer, i'm pissed, 



.several icons in upper right of desktop, one is HD with my name, text file below, 



.go upstairs, brother is in mother's bedroom, in her bed, i tell him i'm pissed, 

i walk back and forth between his room and mother's room a bit, yelling 

at brother, a phone is recording my yelling, n.s on other line, end dream 



.a - me 

b - brother with my computer 

c - side room area                             d - realize computer is not mine 


e - brother's room                              f - my room 

g - me in mother's room                    h - brother in mother's bed 




.image below: computer dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: computer desktop detail 







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