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  • dddurbfive

dream 06 dec 2023




. .

.dream: peeing in a toilet, guy and lady approach, talking to lady, gym, window to beach

behind me, end scene,




.lady (t.d) wants to catch a taxi to school, she doesn't have the right ID, i approach t.d and

taxi, take out my gym card and driver's license, taxi driver scans my gym card, approved

for transport to school, i'll come with t.d to school, just need five minutes to get ready,



.go to bedroom from high school, wearing white boxer shorts, get on my knees, going

through backpack, coffee in green plastic bag, two real heavy books, end scene,



.donald trump is talking on the radio, talking about his boutique business and how

it sold fifteen or sixteen thousand items, end dream



.a - me peeing in toilet b - lady and guy

c - window to beach d - taxi driver


e - me and t.d f - going through my bag

g - donald trump talking





.image below: gym card (white) and driver's license detail





.image below: backpack, coffee in green plastic bag and two heavy books detail


.note: also in backpack, korean language learning books, end note







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