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  • dddurbfive

dream 05 jan 2024





.dream: in a less restrictive treatment program, more restrictive treatment programs 

can be found all along the california coast, in a vehicle with aunt and brother, 

aunt driving, a lady is walking along the road, she likely just got done fishing, 




.pull into mother's driveway, me and brother get out, brother will be leaving but 

i'll stay an extra night, pull out my two skateboards so i can ride back, mother 

approaches, says she's sick, starts to cough in my face, i hold up a skateboard 

to protect against mother's coughs, end scene, 




.atop a hill, looking down on mother's property with brother, we're looking at 

each section of her property and saying what it's for, some sections are 

for couples, some for individuals, end dream 



.a - in a less restrictive recovery program 

b - more restrictive recovery programs in california 

c - lady coming back from fishing 


d - aunt in car                                 e - mother's house 

f - me with skateboards                  g - mother 

h - brother                                       i - looking down on mother's property 





.image below: more restrictive treatment options in california detail 




.image below: lady walking on road back from ocean detail 




.image below: using skateboard to protect against mother's coughs detail 







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