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  • dddurbfive

dream 01 mar 2024





.dream: enter into a back room, g.g is washing dishes, a shower is on in the closet, i turn it 

off, ask g.g why she didn't turn off the shower, she says that she thought someone 

may have been using it, didn't look that way, end scene, 



.brief interaction with a.h, end scene, 



.in the door way of a room, many lights in room, only a couple light switches for 

all these lights, room is dark, i try and turn on the lights, they all won't come on, 

two large lights on the left stay off, people on the right, end scene, 



.a camping trip with n.s and his family is coming to an end, preparing for a long 

drive home, end dream 



.a - g.g washing dishes                         b - shower in closet 

c - me and a.h                                        d - room with many lights 

e - n.s and his family, camping 




.image below: multi-scene dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: shower in closet detail 




.image below: room of many lights detail 







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