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  • dddurbfive

dream 01 apr 2024





.dream: on a beach, rocks, telephone, mother is leaving a message, i pick up, talk to 

her, tell her i was at k.r's house, hanging out with k.r and some tall blond guy, 



.a small rabbit jumps out of water, i'm walking on the top of a couch now, still talking 

to mother, brother has two bank accounts, i have none, aunt owes thirty million 

in taxes, phone call ends, a larger rabbit runs across the water, end dream 



.a - me on beach                     b - rocks 

c - beach                                 d - water 


e - rabbit jumps out of water 

f - walking on top of couch 

g - rabbit runs across water 




.image below: dream map detail 




.image below: rabbit runs across water detail 







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