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dream 31 oct 2023





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.dream: enter into a fast food restaurant, worker lady gets up and is about to start her

shift, i go up to food counter then turn around, leaving, on my way out i get some

ice water from the drink machine, end scene,


.looking into restaurant, ex-girlfriend is inside, she may want to talk to me, end dream





.a - fast food restaurant b - main entrance

c - order counter d - worker lady

e - fountain drink dispensing machine

f - me g - ex-girlfriend




.image below: dispensing ice water detail






.dream: in a room, just got up, a tv is on, i go over to tv, tube of toothpaste, another one, brother

gets up, he's sick, starts to talk, i give him a roll of toilet paper to blow his nose, tell him

to stop talking, i don't want him to get me sick, brother leaves room,



.i'm outside of room, looking through a drawer, eating imitation crab, mother and k.s are

talking behind me, they keep mentioning 'urgency', end dream





.a - room b - bed

c - me d - tv


e - toothpaste f - outside, view from window

g - brother h - mother and k.s

i - me eating imitation crab




.image below: toothpaste and imitation crab detail







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