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dream 30 jan 2024





.dream: in a cafeteria side room, two dogs enter, black dog, i pet it, tan dog, it smells 

my right hand, dogs go into main cafeteria area, some guy is eating, end scene, 



.i go up to a service window, a guy has a phone ready for me to use, i'm trying to 

call the ferry boat office, seattle, silverdale, fauntleroy street, lady on other 

end can't connect me with office, i give guy back the phone, 



.guy puts phone back in it's storage location, i need to plug in a cable to phone, plug in 

cable, might have plugged in two cables, guy gives me a piece of masking tape, he 

may want me to mark the cable i plugged in, i take my hand away from cable to 

grab the tape, now the piece of tape is as big as the entire phone, i put the tape 

over the phone, end scene, 



.walking outside, end scene, 



.enter into a house, a family from india lives here, i need to pass through this 

house to keep on moving, in a multi level laundry chute, move up to top level, 

having trouble exiting from laundry chute, a large rat is eating food in the house, 

rat poop all over the floor, 



.a large cartoon face on the wall is continuously shitting rat poop from its eyes, 

the cartoon face then gets angry and starts to yell, i then notice a new gate 

door in the wall, new exit gate, i bend down and exit the laundry chute via the 

new gate, 



.outside in yard, two women walking by above me, one of the women just 

had her cell phone stolen, end dream 



.a - me and two dogs                                 b - guy eating 

c - guy at service window                          d - phone 


e - walking outside                                     f - family home 

g - multi stage laundry chute                      h - large rat eating 


i - family from india                                    j - cartoon face on wall 

k - new exit gate                                          l - two women 




.image below: laundry chute dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: telephone detail 



.one - plug in cable

two - possibly plug in other cable

three - put tape over phone




.image below: cartoon face on wall shitting rat poop from eyes detail 







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