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dream 30 dec 2023





.dream: large convention center show room, auto show in progress, a famous 

motorola motors automobile engineer enters the room, his name, 

miko calico, appears in the lower left of the huge screen, several 

people from the audience stand up, end scene, 




.in my bedroom from high school, two women on my bed, little girl on a table, 

i ask her if she can read, she says all she's read so far are short poems of 

several lines, i take her over to book shelf, she points out a book she's 

interested in, wild west history book, i take the book down, 




.lots of pictures, some text as well, now i'm lying down on the couch with girl, 

turn to a page of text, have her read it, something about the economy and job 

market in LA, i ask her what she just read, she doesn't like the question, i 

just want to make sure she can understand the book, she says she's 

still interested in the book, i give her the book, end dream 



.a - auto show room                                 b - stage 

c - large screen                                         d - famous automobile engineer 


e - engineer's name on screen                   f - people standing in audience 

g - my bedroom in high school                 h - two women on bed 


i - young girl                                              j - bookshelf 

k - me and girl on couch 




.image below: electronic screen at convention center auto show detail 





.image below: bookshelf and book detail 







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