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dream 30 apr 2024





.dream: sleeping, a guy comes into room, talking on phone, wakes me up, 


.walking down hall with guy, bathroom, we both pee, end scene, 



.office, insect pictures on wall, i sit next to a lady, she's on my left, my hand is 

near her butt, lady gets up, walks down hall holding a pitcher of fluid, i go down hall, 

small room on right, cabinet, purple pitcher, end scene, 



.outside a building, two guys, knife guy and gun guy, end scene, 



.office building, a lady is running around looking for someone, aunt and a.k, a.k is 

tall, asks aunt why he's so tall, aunt says it's in his genes, 



.i'm shown a note written in green, asked what it is, 'an internet birthday code' i respond, 

'that's right' the person says, the note has been rewritten very carefully, what i 

thought was an eight is the at sign, end dream 



.a - me in bed                     b - kid who wakes me up 

c - hallway 


d - bathroom                       e - office space 

f - insect picture on wall 

g - other insect picture        


h - sitting next to lady         i - lady in hall with pitcher of fluid 

j - me at cabinet 

k - knife guy                        l - gun guy 


m - table in office                n - lady looking for someone 

o - aunt 

p - a.k 




.image below: insect pictures and pitcher 




.image below: knife guy and gun guy 




.image below: internet birthday code note 







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