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dream 29 feb 2024





.dream: sitting in a room, guy and dog approach, they speak in turkish, can't really understand 

them, a strong guy named samson approaches, hair like guile and muscles like 

zangieff from street fighter, i reduce samson to a torso and head and put him on 

some drawers in the corner, 



.a guy gives me a knife, i put it on the floor, he keeps giving me knives and i 

keep putting them on the floor, then he gives me a piece of armor for the left 

thigh, i put it on a table, end scene, 



.looking at a kind of walmart catalog, possibly some company by elon musk, 

now i'm walking in a walmart store, going past the bike section, i keep looking at 

the bikes in the catalog and not the actual ones in the store, i pass by a mirror, wearing 

a crooked yellow hat and glasses, i take off hat and glasses, 



.come up to some interesting objects, take one down, a pogo stick with two plunger like 

suction cups, the moving parts are zip tied so i can't test it out, end scene, 



.sitting in a trailer, at a table with two guys, eating trail mix, yellow and red gummies 

in the trail mix, little dried figs as well, each time i put my hand in the trail mix it 

feels wet, cop car drives by, sun roof pops open, end scene, 



.almost forgotten scene: enter into a military building, approach lady at desk, say i 

need something signed, lady asks to see my ID, i say it's in the car, pick up my 

two bags to leave, two slow moving guys behind me, end dream 



.a - me sitting                                 b - guy and dog 

c - torso on drawers                        d - guy with knives and armor 


e - me                                              f - knives on floor 

g - left thigh armor on table            h - walmart like catalog 


i - walking by bikes in walmart 

j - pogo sticks with suction cups 

k - smaller guy and bigger guy 


l - me                                               m - trail mix on table 

n - cop car                                        o - sun roof opens 




.image below: movement arrows detail 




.image below: knives and armor, suction cup pogo stick and trail mix detail 




.image set below: military building scene detail 



.a - building entrance                         b - lady at table 

c - me and two bags                            d - two guys, moving very slow 







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