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  • dddurbfive

dream 28 feb 2024





.dream: in a room, black video game console on a table, guy and a kid, i grab the 

guy's hand, he squeezes my right hand tight and won't let go, i take him over to a 

bed, put my knee on his head, he releases my hand, 



.i go over to a briefcase on the floor, guy leaves room, goes out to larger room, 

k.s appears, he's completely naked with a brown beer bottle in his left hand and 

his right hand is missing, then his right hand appears, he's talking about something, 

end dream 



.a - video game console on table 

b - guy and kid                             c - me 


d - bed                                          e - open suitcase on floor 

f - closet area                                g - k.s with beer bottle 




.image below: video game console, bed and briefcase detail 







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