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  • dddurbfive

dream 27 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in a bedroom, just came in from outside, brought two small ants and a large

termite with me, all three insects go under shoe and under bed, i go over to fridge, another

large termite from long ago pinned to fridge, termite wiggles free, i go out into hall,




.back in bedroom, large muscle worm up on bed, it was a termite before but

now its a long thick muscle worm, muscle worm goes out into hall, i'm chasing it

and trying to grab it, grab muscle worm, it starts to flex and bend, go into bathroom,

throw muscle worm in toilet, flush toilet,




.toilet overflowing water, water starts going into side room, leaking stops, water on

bathroom floor, kid enters bathroom, wants to do laundry, bathroom is a mess, now

there are a bunch of large grey empty laundry baskets in room, no space to walk around,

end dream


.A - bedroom B - hallway

C - bathroom a - shoe

b - termite and two ants from outside


c - termite pinned to fridge d - high bed

e - large muscle worm f - me in hallway, chasing muscle worm

g - toilet h - towel rack


i - kid wanting to do laundry

j - empty laundry baskets




.image below: muscle worm dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: two ants, two termites and large muscle worm detail







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