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  • dddurbfive

dream 27 jan 2024





.dream: a guy has a bunch of phone cards, says he'll call someone for me, i say 

it's not necessary, he calls anyways, one of the phone cards is a phone, he 

hands it to me, i don't know how to hang it up, end scene, 



.kitchen, a lady is cooking something, i'm prepping two cartons of eggs for 

boiling, a guy approaches, says he'd like a pill, i go over to cabinets, two 

people working on a wire, i reach up over them, they insert the wire into 

my lower abdomen, right side, wire travels all the way down to the right side 

of my penis, end dream 



.a - me                                     b - guy 

c - calling cards                       d - me and egg cartons 


e - person                                 f - lady cooking 

g - guy wants a pill                   h - me 

i - people with wire 




.image below: carton of eggs detail 




.image below: wire in my abdomen detail 







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