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  • dddurbfive

dream 27 feb 2024





.dream: enter into g.h's house, new wood paneling around door, several people in 

house, a small party, friend's mom, d.h, asks me if i want a sprite or a jagermeister, i 

say sprite, guy in the kitchen, i briefly go outside, come back into house, go 

into basement, walking in hallway, large ply wood sheet blocks part of hallway, 

i put left side of my head against the board, end scene, 



.a guy is running on a hill outside, i walk down the hill, enter into a building, 

a laundry washing wall is in front of me, laundry is being washed in separate bags on 

the wall, i go over to a different area ask some guy what it's like to be on a navy ship, 

he says he got bullied a lot, i move along, 



.come into a waiting area, magazines on chairs, i sit on far right chair in front row, 

tv is on, korean and chinese languages can be seen on screen, end scene, 



.at a sink, rocks, feeling manic, end scene, 



.in a small gift shop, older guy and lady in shop, lady is commenting on the 

stuff in the shop, 'toys and trinkets' i say, 'whatever' the lady responds, i go outside, 



.still feeling manic, an ambulance is parked up ahead with its doors open, i'm not 

going in there, not interrupting my workout schedule, walk across church parking lot, 

swallow a rock, end dream 



.a - enter into friend's house (g.h)

b - friend's mother, d.h, in living room 

c - guy in kitchen                             d - back yard 


e - basement level                             f - guy running outside 

g - laundry washing wall                   h - waiting area, magazines on chairs 

i - tv with asian languages                 j - small gift shop 


k - door to outside                              l - ambulance with doors open 

m - parking lot                                    n - swallow a rock 

o - apartment building 




.image set below: inside and outside distinction with green boundary lines detail 




.image below: inside outside detail, alternate scale representation 




.image below: laundry wall detail 







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