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  • dddurbfive

dream 26 sep 2023


. .


. on a ferry boat, dark outside, some guy is on the ferry boat and he's been tracking sea

turtles all the way from hawaii, suddenly i'm overcome by a strong emotion as if

the sea turtles this guy has been tracking are in the water outside,




.i go over to the guy, kneel down beside him, there's a blue disposable razor by him, i

do need to shave my face, guy asks me if i'll shave, i say no, i don't want to use that razor,

then i look outside at the water below, the guy puts the blue razor near some other

guy on the same seat, i leave,




.go up some stairs, i need to shave, put down two pairs of shoes by the shower, about to

go back down stairs to get my razor, i notice some cartoon drawing on a counter,

i go over to look at the drawing, the kid who drew it comes over, i ask him about the





.kid tells me that this one lady speaks italian, then he turns the page and there's another

drawing underneath, i go downstairs,




.walking around into laundry room, brother is in a box and sleeping, snoring loudly,

i chuckle and try and move past him,

end dream



.a - ferry boat b - me

c - guy tracking sea turtles d - window

e - disposable razor f - some guy


g - up stairs h - shower

i - shoes j - me

k - cartoon drawing l - kid who drew cartoon


m - down stairs n - red nunchucks

o - brother sleeping in box




.image below: disposable blue razor detail





.image below: cartoon image that guy drew detail







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