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  • dddurbfive

dream 26 feb 2024





.dream: in a house with my skateboard, radio is on, broadcast says some natural 

disaster occurred outside and i'm to go to the mall, i'm not doing this, go 

into garage, general colin powell and some lady, the general didn't hear the 

broadcast telling me to go to mall, i go outside, 



.walking in a yard, walking in waist high dirt, a guy approaches, points out 

a volcano erupting lava and magma up ahead, i turn left, walking in 

neck high dirt, keep walking, completely underground now, 



.walking backwards, skateboard behind me is carving out a tunnel as i 

walk, some guy is following me, i start to make dead ends to try and 

throw the guy off track, i loop around once, end dream 



.a - house                         b - radio 

c - general colin powell and lady in garage 


d - outside                       e - volcano erupting lava and magma 

f - some guy                    g - waist high dirt 


h - neck high dirt             i - dirt over my head 

j - some guy following me 




.image below: erupting volcano and walking in dirt detail 







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