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  • dddurbfive

dream 25 sep 2023


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. walking down a street, on the right is a large black rifle sticking straight up from the ground,

on the left is a futuristic light blue rifle with a red scope device sticking straight up from the

ground, i move past the rifles and keep walking down the street,




.a large horse appears on the left, a large bull then appears, another horse appears, in

the bushes beyond the road i see three cougars stalking towards me, i turn around

to leave, a small snow leopard charges at me and violently attacks my butt then

jumps into my ass, end scene,




.in a room i've been staying in, door won't lock, the lock has been removed from the

door, mother and aunt are in the hall and comment on how i can't lock my door,

end dream



.a - road b - me

c - black rifle d - futuristic rifle

e - horses f - bull


g - cougars h - snow leopard

i - me in room j - couch

k - door won't lock l - aunt and mother




.image below: animals and road scene, alternate scale representation





.image below: rifles on side of road detail





.image below: three cougars stalking towards me detail






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