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  • dddurbfive

dream 25 oct 2023




.feeling better, still sick with autumn cold, stuffed sinuses, throbbing head,


.mania dissipating, apartment needs cleaning, level-headedness returning,




.dream: standing outside by an apartment building and light rail station,

very static, no movement, focus in on a bush, end dream




.a - me b - outside corner of apartments

c - light rail tracks d - bushes

e - area of focus in front of me

f - same area of focus behind me




.dream: pee in low grate, end scene


.sliding on brick sidewalk, pass a guy, end scene,


.military barracks drawer, end scene,


.movement up a hill, end scene,


.lying in a stretcher, guy bows over me, end dream



.a - me peeing in low grate area

b - me sliding on brick sidewalk c - some guy not sliding very fast

d - church parking lot e - church

f - me and military barracks drawer g - hill up, shops on either side

h - me on stretcher i - guy bowing over me




.dream: two women try and put a shirt on me, too tight, shirt is yellow, i leave and come back, two cats sleeping by an audio recording, end dream



.a - me b - two women

c - audio recording of me d - two sleeping cats




.dream: silver jeep liberty, drives up to me then drives away,


.rock band on side of street, old friends from high school,


.go up some stairs, in a house, guy is showering in an upstairs bathroom, end scene,


.looking out window from back bedroom in high school house, flying dinosaurs in lawn,

giant underground t-rex approaches, t-rex is still underground, end dream



.a - silver jeep liberty b - rock band on corner sidewalk

c - old friends from high school, nothing for me here

d - stairs up in house e - two rooms

f - guy showering g - me inside, looking out window to outside

h - dinosaurs in yard i - t-rex moving underground






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