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dream 25 mar 2024





.dream: moving by an outdoor trampoline, inside now, talking with e.w, she's asking about 

some book report for an upcoming exam, i didn't read the book, end scene, 



.in g.g's house, we start writing on the same piece of paper, i'm writing the lyrics to the 

billy joel song 'in the middle of the ni-i-ght, i go walking in my ... through the valley of 

..., the river so dee-e-ep, ...', g.g starts to write near my writing, i switch to left hand, 



.time to go outside, some guy comes in, walking outside, grass, g.g ahead, robot behind 

me, g.g loops around to a tree, the robot goes right to the tree, i loop around like g.g, 



.sitting in a bar now, leaning back on a couch, person comes to me, i respond with 

my feet, my hands are occupied, end scene, 



.outside, on a patch of blacktop on side of road, i start moving arms like i'm jump roping, 

skipping backwards, golf cart thing appears, no one in it, from the university of 

washington, i put my head inside, say something about no one having to feel stupid, 



.i reach on back of cart, pull out some medical table with my left hand, i push 

the cart back on some kind of table, 



.go to other side of asphalt, white box, like a ballot box, i would jump inside, 

locked, phone number of seniors to contact to open lock, end dream 



.a - outdoor trampoline                         b - me and e.w 

c - g.g's house                                        d - writing with g.g 


e - some guy                                          f - walking outside, g.g in front, robot behind 

g - path of robot to tree                          h - tree of interest 


i - me in bar                                            j - cars on road 

k - uw cart and table                               l - locked white box 




.image below: writing with g.g detail 




.image below: pulling out table from back of cart detail 




.image below: cart against table and locked ballot box detail 








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