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dream 25 dec 2023






.dream: on the lower floor of a building, lady appears, goes up some stairs, i follow her, 

one floor up, dark, no stairs up here, go back down stairs with lady, lady in front of me, 



.back on lower floor, lady pushes back wall to reveal a new space, enter new space, 

large room, college lounge, two large beds on right, three tvs on on left, fart left tv, 

guy with dark skin, middle tv, don't remember, far right tv, person's mouth, 



.tables and chairs in room, lady walks over to a chair by side door, 




.<<begin sexual content advisory>>



.i follow her, she gets up on hands and knees on chair, presents her butt and crotch in 

a sexual manner, i'm about to have sex with her, notice that she must not have wiped 

her ass very well last time she shat, brown poop all on her under garments and on the 

right side of her butt, 




.she's wearing a four layer silk mini skirt under garment of a pinkish beige color, 

i take some tissue and wet it down, start to wipe the shit off her clothes and 

ass, i would have had sex with her but the shit on her ass and underwear was 

a turn off, 




.as i'm cleaning her up, her brother enters through a side door, i continue to clean her 

up, now her butt and waist look like a white and purple cylinder with brown 

stain marks on it, 



.<<end sexual content advisory>>




.a lady over at a desk stands up, calls out 'he must be a non profit organizational worker', 

people start to cheer, i chuckle, end dream 



.a - lower floor                             b - one floor up, dark 

c - no stairs up                             d - steep stairs down 


e - lady opens up new space        f - college lounge area 

g - two large beds                         h - three tvs on 


i - me and lady on chair                j - lady's brother at side door 

k - people at desk 




.image below: college lounge dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: white and purple cylinder detail 







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