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  • dddurbfive

dream 25 apr 2024





.dream: office area, i'm behind a rounded counter, two new nurses just finished with an 

intake, nurse supervisor is pleased, 



.guy at a computer, chinese account binder, guy has a DOD ID with a money card attached, 

pays one hundred seventy a month for it, end scene, 



.i'm at a computer now, trying to upload a picture of the silver surfer and the power 

cosmic, drop down window with upload options, i choose a small option, two perhaps, 

too small, try again, fifth option from the left, sixty, good size, end scene, 



.sleeping on the floor, army uniform, some lady wakes me up, i head off to other room, 

wrong way, pants may be unzipped, i go outside, vehicle waiting, end dream 



.a - two new nurses                     b - nurse supervisor 

c - guy at computer 


d - chinese account binder           e - DOD ID card with money on it 

f - me at computer 

g - image upload, silver surfer with the power cosmic 


h - sleeping on floor, army uniform 

i - i get up, go wrong way, door to other room 

j - vehicle waiting outside 




.image below: nurses' uniform 




.image below: DOD ID card with money 




.image set below: image upload options 







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