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  • dddurbfive

dream 24 jan 2024





.dream: riding in a car in the university district, traveling north up a hill, 

approaching an important intersection, i tell the driver i'd like to walk, i 

can just walk to the transit office and get my bus pass then walk back down 

the hill to the hotel, 



.car stops, i get out, kind of in the middle of the street, two cars stop so i 

can pass, driver in first car is a young woman, i get to sidewalk, 


.cross the street signs are changing, flame emblem, end dream 



.a - car                                         b - direction to transit office 

c - i get out of car                       d - walking 


e - two cars stop, i cross street 

f - sidewalk islands                     g - street crossing signals 

h - cars stopped at light 




.image below: university district dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: cross the street sign with flame emblem detail 







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