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  • dddurbfive

dream 24 dec 2023






.dream: moving through a hallway, enter into a room, holding a developmental 

toy for young children, trying to figure out how it works, press the power button 

several times, power cycles on and off, blue bar position something, 



.then i realize there's a dial on the middle of the toy, toy is like a panel, 

turning the dial, something moving inside, then i realize there's a 

magnet inside the toy and moving the dial has an effect on the magnet, 



.a lady with an infant and a guy have entered the room, something is 

said about the tv room for the infant, lady knows i speak a little 

chinese, starts to speak to me in chinese, i'm turning the 

dial on the toy, magnet is moving, end dream 



.a - hallway                         b - me 

c - developmental toy for young children 


d - lady and infant               e - guy 

f - tv room 




.image below: developmental toy for young kids dream, alternate scale representation 




.image set below: developmental toy for young kids detail 







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