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dream 23 nov 2023




. .dream: forgotten scene, end scene,



.picking scabs off my lower left leg, end scene,



.in my apartment, brother enters, says he just got done pooping and peeing and

now his testicles are bigger, he's not pleased, i tell him he's still growing up, i

go over to him, he's only about as high as my waist, i pick him up over my head and

tell him that he'll grow up to be taller then me, i set him down, end scene,




.in house from elementary school, go into living room, turn around, heading towards the

door, some tall guy following me, i turn around to look at him, vision blacks out, i

start falling down into a pit, i reach out to grab the guy to stop my falling, end scene,




.in living room from house from high school, on the couch, tv is on, some guy comes

inside, he was outside in a van, guy sits next to me, changes the channel, we watch tv,

another guy goes over and shuts the door, end scene,




.my apartment manager is meeting with two prospective residents, i'm outside on the

porch, a lady comes out and asks about being naked, i respond by saying something

about the hot tub which isn't on the porch at the moment,



.manager wants me to write the cleaning lady a note so she can take out my trash,

i go over to a counter, lots of stickers, i write cleaning lady a note on a sticker,



.go into my apartment, in the bathroom, the toilet has been taken out and water is

leaking everywhere, the cleaning lady is on her knees and inspecting the plumbing

components, there are two valves with green handles and quarter in them that are





.cleaning lady operates some little valves going to the hot water heater, i go into

my bedroom, bedroom is flooded, water everywhere, bed is floating, on the

floor, under the water, are coral reef type plants, end dream


.a - forgotten scene b - picking scabs off my left lower leg

c - me and brother d - dark hole fall scene

e - me on couch f - TV on


g - guy comes in from outside h - guy shuts door

i - apartment manager and prospective residents

j - me on outside porch k - me writing note to cleaning lady


l - stickers m - apartment lady

n - leaky toilet area and plumbing components

o - cleaning lady and me p - my flooded bathroom





.image below: leaking bathroom and flooded bedroom scene detail





.image below: plumbing components in bathroom detail





.image below: green handled valves with quarters detail







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