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  • dddurbfive

dream 23 jan 2024





.dream: in mother's bedroom, camping trip is over, time to pack up, tv is on, aunt comes into 

room, i turn off tv, aunt wants it on, turn tv back on, image of cheetah running by river on 

tv, cheetah runs faster and becomes upright, 



.i start to move brother's stuff over by door, pick up his guitar, go over to guitar 

stand, can't seem to adjust guitar stand proper, end dream 



.a - mother's bedroom                             b - door 

c - me                                                      d - tv 


e - aunt by mirror                                    f - brother's stuff 

g - i move brother's stuff by door            h - guitar and stand 




.image below: guitar stand dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: cheetah by river on tv detail 




.image below: guitar and stand detail 







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