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  • dddurbfive

dream 23 dec 2023






.dream: standing outside on the face of a steep grassy cliff, a guy and a dog 

walk by below, a dog fight seems to be occurring below, i look up above me, 

two aggressive black wolves are running down from a higher area to 

join the fight, 




.i yell out to warn the people below of the impending arrival of the two black 

wolves, one of the wolves fights below, the other wolf runs back up the cliff 

a bit and then back down, 




.dog wolf fight is over, a semi aggressive brown dog is climbing up the 

cliff towards me, i kick it back down the cliff, dog dies, now the 

brown dog looks like a small rodent, not aggressive at all, maybe i 

shouldn't have kicked it, i pick it up, 




.below the cliff is a public bathroom building with showers made 

from concrete blocks, the people are down there recovering from 

the dog wolf fight, end dream 



.a - me on steep grassy cliff                         b - guy and dog 

c - two aggressive black wolves                  d - semi-aggressive brown dog 

e - public bathroom and showers 





.image below: two aggressive black wolves detail 





.image below: semi-aggressive brown dog dies and becomes a small dead rodent detail 







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