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  • dddurbfive

dream 22 nov 2023





. .dream: looking at the back of a parked car, door is open, some lady standing up on the

right, in the car are two or three sleeping kids, some cockroaches are crawling around, i

pick one up, put it on ground, step on it,



.a dog goes over by a wooden fence on the left, dog starts to pee water out of its nose

and onto the fence, end scene,



.whale tattoo, end scene,



.disney song in spanish, end dream


.a - me b - car with back open

c - some lady d - sleeping kids


e - cockroaches f - dog

g - wooden fence h - whale tattoo

i - disney song in spanish




.image below: dog peeing water out of its nose onto wooden fence and large cockroach detail







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