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  • dddurbfive

dream 22 feb 2024





.dream: in a room with a dog, the dog senses activity in the hall, possible another dog, 

sniffs the air, end scene, 



.wearing a red shirt, running outside, reduced gravity, jumping up onto and 

then down from different objects, go across a set of blue rails, lady and a girl on 

the right, a hotel is mentioned, 



.a make shift statue of large plastic trash cans is up ahead, i accidentally knock over 

one of the trash cans, a group of kids at a skatepark takes notice, i turn around, 

go over to fix the statue, speaking in a kind of spoken word poem, end scene, 



.i'm holding two pieces of glass fine art, one is blue flat and round, the other is a golden 

feather, golden feather has some writing on it, i don't try and read it, turn feather around, 

looking at the detailed lines on the feather, end dream 



.a - me                                     b - dog

c - me running outside            d - blue rails 


e - lady and girl                       f - plastic trash can statue 

g - kids at skatepark                 h - glass fine art 




.image below: garbage can statue and glass fine art dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: blue rails, garbage can statue and skatepark detail 




.image set below: glass fine art detail 







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