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  • dddurbfive

dream 21 sep 2023


. .


. looking in a gym, a large spinal vertebra is on a workout bench, juice,



.now i'm outside the gym room, in a hallway and trying to put two pieces of cardio equipment

against the wall, one is an exercise bike, some officer guy has just gone into the gym for

an early morning workout, end scene,



.top of a hill, two people, one guy is holding a bag of oranges, down the hill is the

military base, end scene,



.in a lower parking garage area, walking with a military guy (s.p), some military folks in

khaki uniforms are walking ahead of us, i stop, someone is smoking, a junior officer

passes in front of me, i salute him, he sits behind me,

end dream



.a - spinal vertebra in gym

b - me in hall with cardio equipment

c - officer guy in gym

d - guy with bag of oranges


e - entrance to military base at bottom of hill

f - lower parking garage area

g - me h - guy (s.p)

i - military folk j - junior officer




.image below: spinal vertebra on workout bench in gym detail





.image below: bag of oranges detail





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