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  • dddurbfive

dream 21 nov 2023




. .

.dream: an artificial man-made waterfall has been constructed down the side of

a huge skyscraper building, elon musk is standing on top of the building, he

puts on his swimsuit, orange swim trunks, and is very pleased and proud of himself,




.just below the top of the building is a guy lying face up in a pool of water, elon musk

jumps down into the pool, gets on top of the guy and right up in his face, musk starts

yelling at the guy, seems to be trying to motivate him to exercise,




.finally the guy says 'yes' and then musk's head falls off, i pick up the smiling head and

put it back up on top of the building because elon musk did such a good job of

yelling at the guy, end dream


.a - tall building, man-made waterfall

b - guy in water

c - elon musk

d - head on high ledge




.image below: artificial man-made waterfall detail







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