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dream 21 may 2024





.dream: n.s is grabbing my butthole, i strike his nose, end scene, 


.two women come down some stairs, go back up, i go up on stairs, touching 

a lady's right lower leg, take off her right shoe, another shoe is there, end scene, 


.cartoon on a door, i open a door, new space, rocks used as door stoppers, end scene, 


.radio, very short cord, end scene, 



.b.g is throwing glass items against a wall, breaking them, i stop him, he's 

about to smash a real cool astronaut glass, i tell him not to, end scene, 


.looking for a pencil, two tables, i go over to one, some guy leaves, goes over 

to a table with sand on it, end dream 



.a - me and n.s                             b - two women 

c - leg touching 


d - cartoon on door                      e - doorway 

f - new room 

g - radio                                        h - b.g throwing glass items 


i - wall of glass items 

j - two tables with pencils             k - i sit to write 

l - guy moves over to table with sand 




.image below: leg touching scene 




.image below: radio 




.image below: glass 




.image below: pencil 







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