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dream 20 mar 2024





.dream: in a trailer home, a lady is maintaining vigilance around an important corner, 

porch, two naked people, hot tub, i'm sitting in the trailer home, a large cheetah approaches, 

climbs up on my lap and then onto a ledge behind me, end scene, 



.in spare room of house from high school, two guys, young guys, they both have guns, 

apparently park meadows is one of the most violent neighborhoods in the area, people 

just come out of the bushes shooting, a car is driving around in the driveway, the 

guys pull out their guns, 



.i tell them to just let the car drive by, they do so, i exit room, in driveway, 

handful of pinecones, something about blue and red pinecones falling from 

the sky, i imagine my toe being cut off, 



.go into main part of house, aunt is cooking breakfast, meat smell, end dream 






.image set below: trailer home and cheetah scene detail 



.a - corner of interest in trailer home 

b - lady                                     c - naked couple 

d - hot tub                                 e - me and cheetah 




.image below: large cheetah detail 






.image set below: pinecones scene detail 



.a - spare room                     b - me 

c - two guys with guns         d - car drives around in driveway 

e - me with pine cones          f - aunt in kitchen 




.image below: handful of pinecones detail 







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