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dream 20 jan 2024





.dream: in an auditorium with members of my class from military language school, end scene, 



.about to enter an elevator with some people, i read instructions, enter elevator, 

say something to e.k about the instructions, end scene, 



.in a bed, end scene, 




.in a shopping mall, come up to main level, security guard, i ask him if we're in new york 

city, guy says maryland, walking on an outdoor walkway just outside mall, jump up 

over large glass pane, land on ground, two little lizards circling around in the dirt, 

i put some anti-bacterial ointment by one lizard, end scene, 



.in grandparent's house, going towards exit, a guy stops me, asks me something, i 

keep talking and talking, end dream 



.a - auditorium                                 b - elevator up 

c - bed                                              d - shopping mall 


e - security guy                                 f - outdoor walkway 

g - large glass pane                           h - lizards below 


i - me talking                                     j - some guy 

k - exit 




.image below: jumping down to lizards detail 







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