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  • dddurbfive

dream 20 feb 2024





.dream: float down into the berthing area of a submarine, flooding in the passageway, 

dark green sea water is spewing into the ship, i go to my bunk, two pair shoes on the 

pillow, end scene, 



.flooding has stopped, sub is going back to port, in a small room with two or three other 

sailors and a junior officer, the officer communicates with some other area, end scene, 



.sub is in port, people sleeping in their bunks, a senior enlisted electrician guy is going 

into people's bunks and telling them to go home and get some rest, end dream 



.a - submarine berthing                         b - flooding in the passageway 

c - in a room with some sailors and a junior officer 

d - senior electrical guy                        e - people in their bunks 




.image below: flooding on submarine detail 







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