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  • dddurbfive

dream 20 dec 2023






.dream: inside a building, go up through a square opening to upper attic like floor, 

running around, loop around, square hole is now a tray of blackberries, i 

eat two blackberries, end scene, 



.in a house, basement area, two guys are talking about an upcoming football game, 

another guy might act as quarterback but they're concerned about his foot, i 

go to other room, the guy they were talking about is there, i ask him about 

his foot, 'not bad but not good' he says, end dream 



.a - square opening to upper level 

b - me                                     c - eat two blackberries 


d - two guys talking about football 

e - stairs up                             f - me 

g - guy to maybe be quarterback 





.image below: eat two blackberries detail 







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