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dream 19 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in an aircraft carrier chow line, talking to some guy, he says that if he has kids that

they probably won't turn out, end scene,




.a lady is driving a car on the street, cop pulls her over, lady gets out of car and gives

cop her keys, says she's a prostitute, maybe a stripper, cop says she looks familiar,

end scene,




.driving a car, going to home town from elementary school, brake hard, plants

overgrown in road, coming to main intersection, view of the water, looking for a

place to park, town has changed,




.driving around in an outdoor café, people eating at tables, white rocks on ground,

drive up some dark brown wooden steps, parking on grass, park car, get out, chef from

outdoor café is wearing a black uniform,




.the old grocery store is now a tire mart, old post office is now a seven eleven and

gas station, walking up hill, a guy comes out from a small auto shop with a

long thin metal pole with three small spikes at the top, guy leads me into

a building,




.go out onto patio, guy hands me the wire, i hand it back, a white car has pulled up,

i ask the guy if he can fly, guy says no, i fly up off the porch, grab a small piece of

wood from the ground, put it on patio, go over to white car, dusty hood,

draw some lines on hood with my finger,




.fly up high, trees, cloud line, moon, two tall book shelves, on shelves are magazines

and cartoon VHS tapes from my childhood, grab some nat geo magazines from

top of right shelf, some books from middle of right shelf, some tiger books

from middle of left shelf,




.fly back down to patio, lady and guy from car are parting with the guy in the house,

i throw all the books down on the patio, end dream


.a - me and guy in aircraft carrier food line

b - lady and cop on street c - driving a car

d - outdoor café e - parking


f - café chef g - old grocery store, now a tire shop

h - intersection i - old post office, now a seven eleven

j - small auto repair shop k - guy with three pronged wire


l - enter a building m - porch

n - white car o - trees

p - cloud line q - two tall book shelves




.image below: dusty white car dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: outdoor café and parking detail





.image below: old grocery store and post office detail





.image below: patio flight scene detail





.image below: hood of dusty white car and two tall book shelves detail







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