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dream 19 jan 2024





.dream: sitting at a table, eating beef jerky, guy across from me, he's never 

tried beef jerky, i offer him some, end scene, 



.crawling out from under a house, dog in yard, dog pees, end scene, 



.in a basement, a guy leads me over to a red haired guy, my testicles absorb the 

red haired guy, now i'm lying in bed, uncle comes over, poops near me, i go 

up to a bucket toilet, flush, now some guy is in my bed, end scene, 



.in mother's bed room, tv by window, i'm messing with the tv, some lady flies 

into the room and lands in bed, i turn on the tv, massive muted explosion occurs, 

lady is not pleased, i mention scientists, end dream 



.a - me                                b - beef jerky on table 

c - guy (s.t)                         d - crawling out from under house 


e - dog peeing in yard         f - uncle pooping 

g - guy leading me              h - red haired guy 


i - bucket toilet                    j - guy in my bed 

k - me at tv                          l - window 

m - lady in bed 




.image below: beef jerky detail 




.image below: dog pees in yard scene detail 




.image below: bucket toilet with black plastic bag detail 




.image below: muted explosion from tv detail 







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