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  • dddurbfive

dream 18 sep 2023


. .


. in a supermarket parking garage, just came out from a supermarket, pushing a red shopping cart

but don't really realize i'm doing so, looking for a shopping cart in the parking garage, some

lady is behind me, seems to be calling out to me, i ignore her,




.looking for a shopping cart, see a green one then realize that i'm pushing a red one, bottom

level of parking garage, shopping cart with lots of clear plastic tubing, i move along,



.leave parking garage, lady at a desk, i move past her, see three friends (g.h, s.s, j.k), they

see me but are going the opposite way, i move along,



.come to a table, lady and a guy, the lady is holding my backpack, i take it back from

her and look inside, bright yellow jump rope, i move along,



.the lady moves up ahead of me and goes up to a kind of swinging pole with a bunch of

other people, i want to get into the supermarket up ahead, the people are swinging on the

pole and making it difficult for me to enter into the traingular opening that leads to

the supermarket,




.finally i time the people and their swinging on the pole and am able to enter into the traingular

opening, some kind of bazaar type shopping center, little tables set up, seems to be jewelry

and souvenirs and little trinkets for sale, two women have entered the area behind me,

i need to move along and get into the main supermarket area,

end dream



.a - supermarket parking garage

b - some lady c - me

d - green shopping cart e - shopping cart and clear rubber tubing

f - lady at desk g - three friends


h - my backpack on table i - lady and guy

j - people swinging on pole k - entrance to mall area

l - two women




.image below: supermarket parking garage detail





.image below: jump rope in my backpack detail





.image below: people swinging on pole detail


.note: maybe five or six people swinging on the pole, end note







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