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dream 18 nov 2023




. .

.dream: outside, by a church fence, an event will be occurring here at ten am, two

guy appear then leave, two more guys show up, now me and the two guys are inside

a café,




.lady worker in back, one guys leaves, the other guy is up on a plate on the counter,

end scene,




.in a trailer with two teenage girls, the behavior is becoming sexual, these girls are

too young, i leave the trailer, walking outside, two white cars drive by real slow,

these seem to be the cars of high level gangsters, end scene,




.an old lady is dragging a huge wooden beam down the road, some guy runs

past, i get on the front of the wooden beam and sit down on it and help the

old lady move the beam by pushing with my feet,




.all is going well, easier to move the wooden beam with two people, however,

a support block below me has shifted, making my sitting spot unstable,

i stop and try to adjust the support block, end dream



.a - church fence b - me

c - two guys show up then leave

d - two more guys show up e - café


f - café worker lady g - guy on plate

h - me and girls in room i - white cars


j - lady and large wooden beam

k - some guy runs by l - me on wood beam




.image below: wooden beam scene detail





.image below: wooden beam detail


.note: wood beam has a square cross section, end note







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